pet sitter and dog walker Prior Lake

Pet Sitting, Dog Walking & Boarding
Prior Lake, Savage, and Shakopee, MN

also serving
Lakeville, Jordan, Burnsville, Credit River and the surrounding areas


Providing Passionate Care for Pets and Peace of Mind for their People since 2018

Call us when you can’t be there! We care for dogs, cats, birds, fish, hamsters, guinea pigs, bunnies, reptiles, and other small pets.

Learn more about our Prior Lake Pet Care Services.

Prior Lake Pet Sitter, Justina with her dogs Neville and Lela

Justina with her dogs, Neville and Lela

Prior Lake dog walker and doodle dog


Dogs need lunch breaks too! Midday dog walks typically take place Monday through Friday, 10:00 AM and 2:30 PM.

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Prior Lake cat sitter holding orange cat


In home pet sitting is ideal for the furry family members who do best with sticking to a routine in their own home.

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pet bunnies


Justina has years of experience with bunnies and guinea pigs and has successfully bonded over 100 bunnies!

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We provide professional pet care in the Prior Lake area including:

  • Savage
  • Shakopee
  • Jordan
  • Lakeville
  • Burnsville
  • Credit River

Why hire Justina’s Pet Sitting?

    • Peace of Mind: We are insured through the Business Insurers of the Carolinas. “Business Insurers of the Carolinas has been a proud provider of insurance coverage specifically designed for pet care professionals since 1992. By working directly with the largest pet care associations and their members for almost 25 years, we have gained a unique understanding of the types of claims that occur in the industry and what is needed to be properly covered.” We are also bonded and background checked and have our business license through the state of Minnesota. Every new service starts with a free Meet and Greet to ensure everyone is comfortable moving forward.
    • Dedication: We are constantly learning by taking classes, watching online trainings, and attending seminars.
    • Updates: We will send you a message with a picture after every visit with your pet.
    • Organization: We use the Time to Pet platform for all communication, scheduling, and invoicing. You can access the schedule including times and which pet sitter is assigned so there is no question when your pet will be cared for.
    • Professional: We are a member of Petsitters International; the largest organization dedicated to ongoing training and networking in the pet care industry. We have received the highest award within PSI and Justina is a Certified Professional Pet Sitter. We are also a member of Professional Pet Sitters of Minnesota and are Fear Free Certified. Community involvement is important to us and we are member of the Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce.
    • Reliable: We will show up to every assigned visit and save you the worry of wondering.
    • Personal: All services are catered to your pet’s unique needs. Meds, feedings, playtime, snuggles, walks…you name it and we’ll make it happen. We’ll watch for signs of injuries and illness and jump into action right away if necessary.
    • Guilt-Free: You won’t have to burden your neighbor, friend, or family member who might not be all that excited about caring for your pet in the first place.
    • Passion: We love your pets as much as you do! Well meaning friends and neighbors aren’t as likely to give your pet the time and attention they need while you’re away.

For more information about our services,

see our Dog Walking, Vacation Pet Sitting, and Pet Bonding Services pages.

Contact us today to schedule your next trip!

professional pet sitter
Shakopee chamber & visitors bureau.
Professional Pet Sitters of Minnesota
Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce